
Custom Shipping Labels

April 9, 2015 11:40 am | Published by | Leave your thoughts

Have you ever had issues generating shipping labels when the quantity that you are shipping is an odd number compared to the packages or boxes that you are shipping? Let’s say you have a shipment for 20 pieces of a part. You want to ship these parts in 3 packages. Packages one and two will have a quantity of nine while package three will have a quantity of two. Out of the box, Epicor has no way to handle this. We have developed a custom report that will allow this calculation to take place at the time of shipment. As... View Article

Quick Job Entry Sales Order Link Customization

April 1, 2015 9:56 am | Published by | Leave your thoughts

Does your company have a need to use Quick Job Entry for entering jobs? Do you need to be able to link a sales order to a job so you can track it for shipment, but do not want the sales order to be make direct? Here is a solution that is beneficial if you want an easy way to track the sales order when creating a job. This is a useful feature to have if you want to link particular sales orders to a job without having each release on the sales order set as make direct. 1. Simply click the... View Article